I am a foreign rights expert and publishing consultant, working in London and in Italy. I specialise in Children’s books with experience in fiction and illustrated non fiction. I am a literary translator from English and French into Italian, with a past as conference interpreter and a passion for creative writing and photography.

parola /pa·rò·la/
sostantivo femminile – Lat. tardo parabŏla; complesso di fonemi mediante i quali l’uomo esprime una nozione (Treccani)
word /wɜːd/
noun – Old English from an Indo-European root shared by Latin verbum; a single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or written (Cambridge Dictionary)
mot /mo/
nom masculin – Bas latin muttum, grognement; moyen d’expression orale ou écrite (Dictionnaire Larousse)
Il n’y a pas de temps pour la monotonie.
Coco Chanel
Il y a du temps pour le travail.
Et le temps de l’amour.
Cela ne laisse aucun autre moment.