I started writing when I was 7, in my third year at primary school: my first novel was the story of a woman who was obsessed with chasing a killer whale. I had not read Moby Dick yet, my primary school teacher was impressed. That masterpiece is unfortunately lost but I have been writing since, now and then giving in to the vanity of being published.

Londramania, with Carl Lawrence and Monica Auriemma
Graphic novel about London, scheduled September 2021, Rizzoli 

Corpi d’acqua, in “Corpi d’acqua”March 2009, Voras Edizioni

Uova marce, in “Fiocco rosa”January  2009, Edizioni Fernandel

L’emiro di ComacchioSeptember 2008, Fernandel literary review

Una vita meravigliosaJune 2008, Fernandel literary review

I pesci dormono sospesiApril 2008, Fernandel literary review

Dal nostro inviato alla fiera di FrancoforteNovember 2007, Fernandel literary review

FormicheOctober 2007, Fernandel literary review

L’età che hai tu adesso, in “Quote rosa”June 2007, Edizioni Fernandel